Sunday 30 November 2014

Autumn Bucket List

Hi all! November is over... DECEMBER TIME is here! If you've been paying attention, as a part of the #Blogtober14 Challenge one of the prompts was to write a Fall Bucket List. I thought it would be a good idea to take a look back and see what I have achieved from it just before we slip into the winter months...

The Original List
1. First and foremost, complete my first blog challenge - #BLOGTOBER14
2. Fit some running into my weekly routine, and stick with it!
3. Eat better
4. Post minimum of 2 book reviews
5. Try a recipe from my Clean Eating book
6. Look after my skin throughout autumn
7. Try some de-stress techniques each day
8. Start going to Zumba
9. Start looking for and planning gifts for Christmas (only 80 days away!)

Here's how I did:
1: CHECK. Big fat check on this - as evidenced in my October posts! 
2: I think I've done okay on this, I'm part of a running group and I try to make sure I get to the sessions every week...
3: Hmmmm this can still be improved, but I have been eating better than I did through the summer.
4: FAIL. I didn't get around to doing this, November just flew by me and I didn't post anything I had planned #sadface
5: FAIL. I haven't done this, I still want to though! Perhaps when I'm off work over Christmas... 
6: I haven't paid any attention to this one, so another FAIL.
7: FAIL, again. I think about doing it quite often, but have never actually implemented anything.
8: FAIL. However, I'm not sure this one is entirely my fault. When I wanted to go, it got cancelled, then when I couldn't go, it was on. Just bad timing all around I think!
9: CHECK. I've been thinking about Christmas a lot recently, and have got a few gifts together for it...Still a long ways to go though!

Overall, I achieved 4 / 9 on my bucket list. Overall, not too bad - could have been worse! 

I hope November went well for everyone, and lets look forward to a good December!

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