Sunday 5 October 2014

#BLOGTOBER14 - Day 5

Helene in Between Blogtober

Day 5 - My Fall Bucket List

I haven't really made a bucket list before. I have to do lists and things I want to do/buy/see lists, but never really a specific bucket list. I was both looking forward to and worrying about this prompt...I assume this is October to the end of November? 

Without further adieu, my Fall bucket List:

  1. First and foremost, complete my first blog challenge - #BLOGTOBER14
  2. Fit some running into my weekly routine, and stick with it!
  3. Eat better
  4. Post minimum of 2 book reviews
  5. Try a recipe from my Clean Eating book
  6. Look after my skin throughout autumn
  7. Try some de-stress techniques each day
  8. Start going to Zumba
  9. Start looking for and planning gifts for Christmas (only 80 days away!)

Ummm....I can't really think of much else...sorry for this not being particularly exciting!

Link up and show me how it's done ;)

Tomorrow: 10 things I'd tell myself when I started blogging

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